Thursday 26 January 2012

Patrick Holford Get up and Go shake

The product is called "Get up and Go Shake " from a range called Patrick Holford. It comes in a pink and white tub and is for adults and children to have as a replacement for breakfeast for when you don't have time to make it!
For me personally as a adult I had to mix half a pint of milk with 6 heaped teaspons which is roughly 30 grams then it says to add a banana or berries. I recieved a four day sample to try and I have a mixed opinion on it.
For a 300g pot your looking to pay nearly £19 and this will last you 10 days.
It contains all of your vitamins and has a low GL count to help with your weight.
I first made it up which was simple not only to realise I did not have any fruit at all as it was shopping day. I thought I give it a go with nothing to see what it was like with and without, as if someone was having these especially a family shopping day is always the worst as everyone would know!
The look on my face was unbelieveable. I would definately not recommend having it with nothing as it does not have a flavour to it.
I did find it very filling though and for a change didn't snack in between breakfeast and lunch.
The next day I decided to try it with a banana and found it alot nicer. The texture is quite strange to it so I would definately blend it.
The instructions are very simple to follow but they could improve this by selling flavoured ones aswell as a plain so it would have a better taste to it. I also think it is very expensive for what it is. It takes a few seconds to put some cereal in a bowl and is alot cheaper then £19 for 10 days where you could buy a few months worth of cereal for that much!
In my opinion I don't think I would recommend it due to the lack of flavour options and also to the price as £19 is alot for an average family to spend on breakfast.